The New Consciousness School is a service of CMC, LLC that provides what we call HAPI (Helpful, Affordable, Positive and Interesting) content offerings through our live and recorded courses and through our recorded audio offerings.
You’ll want to listen for hours, but they’re only just a few minutes each!
Navigate challenges with composure now!
Short audio tips and strategies about how to keep moving despite obstacles and uncertainties.
Boost your confidence now!
Short audio tips and strategies about how to acquire, maintain and regain confidence.
Power-up your positivity now!
Short audio tips and strategies for learning how to think and speak positively to, and about yourself!
Take care of your brain now!
Short audio tips and strategies for considering how to best take care of your brain health.
Manage your goals now!
Short audio tips and strategies for addressing challenges to your goal setting.
Use your time wisely now!
Short audio tips and strategies for using time more effectively.
Power up your focus now!
Short audio tips and strategies to improve your focus & concentration.
is influenced by Media.
Our Media Education services help you, and your company create and analyze content in ways that avoid creating or perpetuating false narratives and misrepresentations. Create a FREE account to download our ebook to learn 6 Awesome Considerations for Creating Conscious Content! (Check out our other FREE resources too)