We’ve probably all seen it-but may not have recognized it...
Problematic Content. Media that was released by major public and privately-held businesses that when recognized for what it was-caused large-scale public offense and harm.
The offensive content caused individuals or even whole groups of people to experience pain-publicly and privately-because they felt personally and intentionally targeted by the media-content.
In many cases, so egregious was the obvious offense in digital media or print, that it not only called into question a company’s credibility as one of having integrity, but it impacted a company’s current earnings and their potential for future earnings.
If the company was an ‘offense-repeater’, it may be even more difficult for it to re-establish goodwill and trust with its consumers, potential consumers, and the consciously discerning public at-large.
It is not that these companies weren’t knowledgeable in how to create media. Some companies that caused unintended offense, had access to the most sophisticated media-production teams a company could hope to have.
Those companies also had access to the right competencies that could disseminate the company’s message in ways that would reach large and diverse audiences.
However, when the content is problematic, seemingly enviable capabilities can become a liability when other necessary capabilities were lacking...
Lacking the necessary competencies in the right consciousness for content analysis is cause for concern and quite of the cause of problematic content.
Not having the right consciousness demonstrated in content can ultimately be quite costly for a brand and a company. The brand may recover, but what lasting impacts impressions will it leave on the customers impacted by the problematic content?
Offense, Distrust, Hurt, Anger, Loss of Credibility, etc.
When problematic content/media is created or people take reasonable offense to the way representation occurs in media, it can be consequential in a number of ways.
Here are just a few to consider:
1. When problematic/offensive media is created, customers can lose faith that a company appreciates all customers equally.
2. When a customer feels cause for offense, he, she or they may just tell the company about it--if the organization is lucky. However, the customers may look for other brands/companies to spend their hard-earned dollars with, and ask their community to do the same.
3. When problematic/offensive media is created, a product or a service's image and value might be reduced.
Causing offense in media-messaging is often unintentional. It can be hurtful to consumers and the public at-large, nevertheless.
In some instances of unintended offense, a company did not have access to the right competencies in the right consciousness for content creation and analysis.
They did not have the right people who could demonstrate the right consciousness for content creation to could accurately analyze, inform and edit their content. .
Smaller organizations may not have the resources on staff to do a proper analysis of content/media to spot hidden biases or other elements that may cause offense. (CMC, LLC can support small business on an as-needed basis.)
Yet, as we've seen, many larger companies that have the resources, did not have the proper analysis to check for hidden biases in their media-content-creations.
The consequence(s) of not having the resources or of having the resources, but not knowing how to utilize them in the right ways can lead to an organizational blind-spot of not knowing what one does not know, but needs to know.
Let CMC, LLC guide your consciousness in content creation so your company/brand avoids problematic content!
213-297-7755 (MST)
is influenced by Media.
Our Media Education services help you, and your company create and analyze content in ways that avoid creating or perpetuating false narratives and misrepresentations. Create a FREE account to download our ebook to learn 6 Awesome Considerations for Creating Conscious Content! (Check out our other FREE resources too)