Learn about a vital question content creators, media sponsors and promoters must ask of their content.
Listen-In! Watch-Out! Word-Up! is a proprietary framework that teaches how to create and analyze content in conscious ways.
Media has influences across industries. Therefore, everyone needs to understand Media's impact on perceptions and discourses and how they influence their industry.
Our trainings are ideal for: Freelancers, Speech writers, Media, Educational, Law Enforcement, DEI & JEDI professionals Fashion, Beauty and Travel industry professionals and more!
Listen-In! Watch-Out! Word-Up! is a framework that will teach the continuum of content creators how to demonstrate critical considerations for, and application of the elements they use to create content or sponsor or promote media.
This training will support strengthening competencies required to create and analyze content effectively to avoid offenses and other common "mis-steps".
Listen-In! Watch-Out! Word-Up! is designed to support the continuum of content influencers.
With our media education services they will have the skills necessary to demonstrate Conscious-Concern© for accuracy in narratives and representations in the content they create, sponsor or promote.
Conscious-Concern© is a term that is defined in CMC, LLC's exclusive Media Consciousness Quadrant© that will be covered in the workshop.
Listen-In! Watch-Out! Word-Up! is an awareness-increasing training that helps organizations tap into their motivations and intentions for their messaging.
Enlisting this professional development training reflects an organization or brand's respect for their customers and clients.
Listen-In! Watch-Out! Word-Up! training helps content design teams become more conscious about what is socially responsible messaging and how to create it in a way that demonstrates respect. Enlisting this professional development training reflects an organization or brand's integrity.
By employing conscious lenses from content concept to completion, organizations can avoid perpetuating or creating false narratives and misrepresentations in their content that cause offense and are harmful to individuals and communities. They can also bring about positive changes to discourses through the thoughtful content they create!
Contact us for more information about them.
We have 3 training packages that provide you and your team conscious media literacy skill development:
Under the umbrella of CMC, LLC’s quality products and services, the New Consciousness School has the ability and capacity to train, coach and discuss a wide variety of topics to support your personal and professional growth and development (PPGD) that are not related to media).
is influenced by Media.
Our Media Education services help you, and your company create and analyze content in ways that avoid creating or perpetuating false narratives and misrepresentations. Create a FREE account to download our ebook to learn 6 Awesome Considerations for Creating Conscious Content! (Check out our other FREE resources too)